Life and Times of Jerry

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Vegas here we come

I was a victim of online fraud with my debit card which is bitch, but luckily most of my money is in cash and not in the bank. So its been a hassle and it looks to be mostly pain free to claim my stolen money. In any case it only puts a slight damper on things before I head to Vegas. I've decided instead of the 7 card stud event ill either play in a Bellagio Cup event or play a mid Nl game, im guessing 10/20. 15/30 NL., then on the 29th ill play in the 2.2k Nl event. If things really so super crazy well for me in Vegas like if hit a 6 figure score, im going to quit my job and stay in Vegas til the end of the WSOP.

Wish me luck everyone my supporters from here at home and in the Philippines.



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